What Can We Tell
You About Us

What is our vision?
American Society of Science, Engineering and Technology ‘s (ASSET) dream is to bud the future young scientist to hand them the realm and helm of the scientific world.
What is our mission?
ASSET nurtures, develops and advances the application of science, engineering and technology. Particularly to further modernize the scientific society and to generally enrich human life.
What exactly ASSET offers?
ASSET brings a blend of all scientific disciplines and provides an interdisciplinary platform to disseminate the scientific knowledge, wrapped into new technologies, to the masses of prospective young scientists such as graduate, undergraduate and high school students. They will be mentored, trained, guided and recognized on this scientific platform by the senior, established and successful scientists.
How can a high school/university student write an abstract for ASSET?
To write an abstract for ASSET following six (6) simple steps.
Briefly describe:
(i) focus of your study.
(ii) hypothesis.
(iii) Experimental design/Methodology
(iv) Results/Findings
(v) Conclusion/Take home message
Limit your abstract to 250/300 words
Now your ``ABSTRACT`` is ready to submit to ASSET.
How can you submit an abstract to ASSET?
Abstract submission to ASSET needs few clicks:
(i) Click ``Register Now`` button on the Home Page.
(ii) Click ``Submit Abstract`` button, which will take you to the Abstract Submission Form.
(iii) Follow the guidelines text in the boxes of Abstract Submission Form.
(iv) Select category and subcategory of your field from dropdown option.
(v) Select the Scientist, Presenter or Participant category from dropdown option.
(vi) Click ``Submit`` button.

Now your ``ABSTRACT`` is submitted to ASSET.

Does ASSET confer awards and honors?
American society of Science, Engineering and Technology “ASSET’ confers certificates, awards and honors to the bright and brilliant students all over the world. ASSET presents awards in different categories from high school to graduate to postgraduate students, and also recognizes senior scientists for their contribution to science, engineering and technology. Colleagues, mentors or parents can nominate deserving nominees (senior scientists, postgraduate, graduate, undergraduate and high school students. The types of (i) national and (ii) international awards in the following categories will be conferred:

Lifetime Achievement Award (Professor Level) – National & International
Excellent Scientist Award (Senior Scientist Level) – National & International
Postgraduate Research Award (Master and Doctorate Level) – National & International
Undergraduate Envision Award (Bachelor or Master Level) – National & International
High School Thoughts Award (High School Level) – National & International

Are abstracts submitted by high school/university students and senior physician/scientists published?
Yes, the accepted abstracts from high school/university students and senior physicians/scientists will be published as conference proceedings in ``Science Documents``.
How members of High School, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students' Committees are benefitted by joining ASSET?
Benefits of joining American society of Science, Engineering and Technology (ASSET)

ASSET helps you:
1. Develop critical thinking, time management, leadership skills and professional development as ASSET students’ committee member.
2. Connect with academic professionals (senior and established scientists), high profile executives in corporate world and your peers at local, national, and international levels.
3. Build your resume for your college applications and various professional career by exploring work-based learning opportunities.
4. Become eligible for an ASSET certificate and award for the contribution to the vision and mission of ASSET.
5. Select and make mentors within and outside ASSET community.
6. Receive guidance for scholarships, funding, and awards from mentors.
7. Learn how to write, review, and edit scientific papers.
8. Get references and recommendations for your college or job applications.
9. Become eligible to apply for ASSET-sponsored student-only (undergraduate and high school students) grants.
10. Discover your strength, passion, knowledge, and competitiveness, engaging with diverse group of people that defines your future.
11. Build your network and make new scientific friends through ASSET-organized social events and happy hours to get an internship and a job.
12. Learn how to work in team and gain real-time experience in a scientific atmosphere.
13. Publish your papers in Science Documents offered by Luqman Publishers.
14. Avail resources of ASSET and Luqman Publishers, LLC, on discounted rates.

What are the duties of members of High School, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students' Committees after joining ASSET?
Responsibilities of Member of ASSET-associated Student Committees:
1. Determine the mission, program, and services, and safeguard the assets of ASSET.
2. Host campus events and fundraisers for ASSET.
3. Exercise fiduciary responsibility and oversight. Ensure legal, moral, and ethical integrity.
4. Arrange monthly seminars.
5. Participate in ASSET-sponsored activities such as meetings, programs, and projects.
6. Follow the procedures and compliance and standards set by ASSET.
7. Assist the chair of Students’ Committee in executing his duties.
8. Meet regularly to review issues, monitor, and perform assigned activities, and implements assigned deliverable tasks of the ASSET.
9. Attend and actively participates in ASSETs’ team meetings.
10. Empower and strengthen ASSETs’ scientific culture to build a competitive environment.
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